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Procedure for obtaining PSARA license for Gujarat

Private Security agencies are involved in providing security services. These services include some professional training of security guards for a person or any company or business or industry or property. These security agencies are managed by the "Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005" in India except J&K. Here we are explaining to you the procedure to begin a security agency.

Get Appointment with Controlling Authority of State Government

The Controlling Authority for the state is an officer of the State Government with the rank of Joint Secretary in the Home Department or a similar rank officer according to the Act. If you want to obtain PSARA License for Gujarat then you have to meet the Controlling Authority of Gujarat because he is responsible for issuing and renewal licenses for any private security agencies.

Additionally, Each State Government has the power to make its rules carried by the private agencies according to the Act.

Eligibility for PSARA License

Only Indian Firm, Association or Company of persons is qualified for PSARA license. If any company runs a security agency, in this case, the maximum shareholder must have an Indian nationality. Some other criteria are also available and that also be satisfied:

[if !supportLists]· [endif]The individual or organization can't be sentenced for an offense regarding advancement, development or the board of an organization (any misrepresentation or misfeasance submitted by him in connection to the organization), including an undercharged bankrupt.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]The individual or organization can't be sentenced by a capable court for an offense, the recommended discipline for which is detainment of at the very least two years.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]The individual or company can't be kept related to any organization or association which is prohibited under any law under their activities which act danger to national security or public.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]The person can't be removed or dismissed from Government administration on grounds of misbehaving or moral turpitude.

Fee Structure for State PSARA License

The PSARA License for Gujarat obtaining fees by the state government are as follows:

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Agency that serves in one district: Rs. 5,000 only

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Agency that serves between 1 to 5 districts: Rs. 10,000 only

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Agency that serves in the entire state: Rs. 25,000 only

When submitting your application to Controlling Authority for PSARA License for Gujarat requires time to process the application. It will be granted or rejected under the sixty days from the date of submission or receipt date. Once the license will issue, it will be valid for 5 years and you can renew it after five years by making payment by the prescribed fees.

Eagle 4 Security solutions provide the consultancy for Psara license for Odisha, Psara license for Punjab and many other state.

For more details about psara license for security company visit our website

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